The good Samaritan on the banks of the Mississippi
St. Matthew’s Catholic Community
Mass Times
Saturday 4:15 pm
Sunday 10:15 am
510 Hall Ave
St. Paul, MN
Confession Times
Saturdays, 3:00 - 3:30 PM or Sundays after Mass upon request or by appointment, by calling the parish office.
Faith Formation
Our Faith Formation curriculum follows the liturgical calendar and uses the Gospel Weeklies curriculum for children in Grades K-6. Weekly lessons present a comprehensive, age-appropriate overview of our Christian, Catholic faith.
View our bulletin online if you missed it in person, or look up a recent bulletin insert.
Upcoming Events
St. Matt’s exists in the world as a visible expression of God’s love.
Our Catholic community on the West Side of St. Paul seeks to fulfill the Vatican II promise of spiritual renewal by welcoming all, working for social justice, creating a model for lay leadership, and enriching the faith life of anyone who seeks the love of God.