Contact Us
St. Matthew’s Catholic Community
510 Hall Ave
St, Paul, MN 55107
Parish Office (Mailing Address)
490 Hall Ave
St. Paul, MN 55107
Phone: (651) 224-9793
Fax: (651) 222-2688
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Friday closed.
Rev. Antony Skaria, Parochial Administrator
Rev. Thomas M. Kommers, Sacramental Minister
Phil Grant, Pastoral Administrator/Safe Environment Coordinator
pgrant@st-matts.orgCristina Czaia, Director of Music and Liturgy
cczaia@st-matts.orgAngela Rakow, Administrative Assistant
arakow@st-matts.orgSteve Kowal, Maintenance Engineer
skowal@st-matts.orgAccounts Payable & Receivable -
Mary Leibl, Volunteer Coordinator
mleibl@st-matts.orgJanelle Rohr, Faith Formation
janelle@st-matts.orgJohn Del Vecchio, Parish Trustee
jdelvecchio@st-matts.orgKaren Thompson, Parish Trustee