

St. Matthew’s welcomes everyone, young and old, into the Catholic faith through the sacrament of baptism.

Infants & Young Children

To baptize infants and children, we ask parents/guardians to attend one of our monthly baptism preparation meetings. Godparents are encouraged to attend. This is an opportunity to talk about what you would like your child’s faith journey to look like and how we can support your efforts.

Three months ahead, please download the Baptism Registration Form and submit the completed form to Angela Rakow. After receiving the form, Angela will help you schedule a meeting with our Director of Music and Liturgy, Cristina Czaia. Cristina will work with you to identify a date and help you make the necessary preparations to baptize your child.

Older Children

Children in grades K-6 who are preparing to be baptized are encouraged to register for Faith Formation classes which meet on Wednesdays at 6:30.

First Communion

The Eucharist is at the center of who we are as Catholic, Christian people. Students in second grade and older who have been baptized can prepare to receive First Communion.

Youth in grades 2-8, will be prepared through St. Matthew’s Faith Formation program in cooperation with and the support of their parents/guardians. Registration for First Communion is open from August to October. Faith Formation classes are held on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 7:30 PM.

Parents/guardians are expected to attend four meetings. First Communion is usually celebrated at select weekend Masses following Easter Sunday and before Pentecost. If your child has NOT been Baptized, please notify Janelle Rohr immediately so arrangements can be made for baptism before receiving First Communion.

First Communion Prep for Students Attending Catholic Schools

Register at St. Matthew’s Faith Formation. Catholic school students will be required to attend four meetings along with their parents/guardians. 

First Reconciliation/ Penance

At St. Matthew’s, before receiving First Communion, individuals receive First Reconciliation.

Preparation for First Reconciliation is part of First Communion classes. First Reconciliation will take place at a special service. When parents/guardians register students for First Communion, they will automatically be registered for First Reconciliation. 

First Reconciliation Prep for Students Attending Catholic Schools

Register at St. Matthew’s Faith Formation. Catholic school students will be required to attend four meetings along with their parents/guardians. 


Our preparation for this Sacrament is grounded in relationship building, discernment, and service.

Young people in grades 8, 9, 10, and 11 who would like to be confirmed should register for Faith Formation and attend classes which meet on Wednesdays at 6:45pm during the school year. Preparation culminates in the Spring with a Confirmation Mass held at the Cathedral. Anyone who would like to be confirmed, but has not yet received the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and First Reconciliation, should contact the Parish Center.

Confirmation for Catholic School Students

Parents/Guardians are invited to register their 8th grade or older Catholic school student for St. Matthew’s Faith Formation. Catholic school students attend class one Wednesday evening each month at the St Matthew Parish Center from October – April. Parents/guardians will attend a total of two meetings to help their child prepare.

Anointing of the Sick

Twice a year, in the spring and fall, St. Matthew’s offers communal anointing during weekend masses. For private anointing, please call the office at 651-224-9793.


Engaged couples who would like their wedding at St. Matthew’s are invited to call the parish office at 651-224-9793.


The death of someone we love can feel overwhelming. At this difficult time, we offer sympathy and support.

We are here to guide you through the funeral planning process and help you honor the life of your loved one. In keeping with our mission and values, we welcome anyone seeking a funeral for a loved one, whether the deceased is Catholic or not.

Here is the process we follow when a loved one passes:

  • When the person has died, call the Parish Center at 651-224-9793 and leave a message for Angela Rakow.

  • You will receive a call back within a reasonable amount of time.

  • We will ask which funeral home you are using.

  • We will set up a day for you to come to the Parish Center for a family meeting.

Prior to our meeting, we will send you our Funeral Planning Packet for review. The packet will walk you through some of your options and identify choices you should consider such as:

  • Reading selections

  • Songs

  • Eulogy

  • Vocalist & Accompanist

  • Post Funeral reception information

If you would like information about pre-planning your own funeral, please contact Cristina Czaia at the Parish Center.