Liturgical Ministry
“Whoever has a heart full of love always has something to give.” —Pope John XXIII
Liturgical Ministry
There are many ways to share your gifts at our two weekend masses.
Greeters help to welcome community members as they enter church by offering name tags and hymnals.
Ushers greet community members as they enter the church by offering hymnals and bulletins. Ushers participate in taking up the collection at the offertory, and collect the hymnals after Mass.
Lectors read the scripture and the prayers of the faithful as well as the welcome announcements at Mass. (Must be 7th grade or older.)
Eucharistic Ministers distribute communion at Mass or bring the Eucharist to someone unable to atted. (Must be a confirmed Catholic.)
Gift Bearers bring the gifts of wine and bread to the altar during the offertory.
Cross Bearers process in with the cross at the beginning of Mass and at the end of Mass. (seasonal)
Music Ministry
“Music is one of the ways we make sense of our lives, one of the ways in which we express feelings when we have no words, a way for us to understand things with our hearts when we can't with our minds.” —Karl Paulnack
Music ministry is an integral part of our worship here at St. Matt’s.
The St. Matt’s Choir practices Wednesday evenings from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM from September through May.
Cantors lead congregational singing during our weekend Masses.
Instrumentalist are always welcome to share their musical gifts.
Contact Music Director Cristina Czaia to join our team of music ministers.
Funeral Ministry
Funeral Sacristans prepare the sanctuary space before each service, greet family and assist with those who will have a role in the service (lector, gift bearer, etc.) They also assist the celebrant during the service and clean the worship space after the service
Funeral Luncheon Volunteer
– Rosary Society members and other members of the community set up and clean up the social hall space and serve at post funeral receptions. Food is provided by the family.
Coffee Sunday
Join us on the second Sunday of the month from September to May after 10:15 AM Mass for fellowship, coffee and tasty treats. Different groups take turns hosting, but extra volunteers are always welcome to help. It’s a great way to meet people!
Prepare coffee
Set out treats, plates, napkins and cups before the end of Mass
Greet community members
Clean up space