Parish Leadership

A Model for Lay Leadership

St. Matt’s is one of the few parishes in the archdiocese led by lay people. Due to the shortage of priests, we have a sacramental minister who presides at Mass and other services. The parish council, the finance committee, trustees and parish administrator work together to run the parish.

Parish Staff

Parish Lay Leadership

Parish Councils

Parish Council

The St. Matt’s Parish Council represents the voice of our faith community and works to carry out the mission of the Parish.

Ralph Brown
Isaac Garcia
Kathy Goldenstein
Terry Lannon Grundtner
Phil Grant, Ex Officio
Maggie Lee
Tara Perron
Katie Quinlan
Ellen Schneider

Finance Council

St. Matt’s Finance Council works with the pastoral administrator to oversee and control the financial affairs of the parish.

John Del Vecchio
Richard Dunn
Jackie Lackner
Phil Grant, Ex Officio
Becky Montgomery
Tony Postiglione
Karen Thompson