Mass Times
Saturday 4:15 pm
Sunday 10:15 am
Confession Times
Saturdays, 3:00 - 3:30 PM or Sundays after Mass upon request or by appointment, by calling the parish office.
Communal Penance is offered twice a year, during Advent and Lent. See calendar for dates.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
For Families with Young Children
The joyful noise children bring to worship is music to our ears. We encourage parents to bring their children of all ages to Mass at St. Matthew’s. We also believe it’s important to start teaching children at a young age the most fundamental truth of our faith – Jesus loves you, now and always.
At Sunday Mass, from mid-September until spring, St. Matthew’s offers a Liturgy of the Word for children ages 3-7. After Mass has begun, children are invited to the front of church to receive a blessing from the congregation, and then they head to the chapel where the catechist explains the week’s scriptures in a child-friendly environment. They rejoin their families after the homily.